Saturday, February 03, 2007

It starts with love for foliage

MR HYDE (Perth) [5.57 pm]: [...] One of the most interesting issues to arise out of this debate was that raised by the opening speaker for the Opposition, the member for Greenough, in his important cultural heritage acknowledgment concerning the people of the western suburbs. He mentioned the cubbyhouses in the area and the activities that they have undertaken there. I draw members’ attention to the exceptionally rare bronzed Banksia menziesii. The name of this banksia gives some indication that it has blue-blood tendencies. It is the only one left in this area. As we all know, the red areas of Perth are slowly extending to the western suburbs. However, there is a bastion of blue-blooded Menzies-era hardwood left in this area. We need to find this bastion because I would be concerned if the Young Liberals in this Bushplan area were to put up the cubbyhouses that the member for Greenough referred to; I would be concerned if there is a Young Liberal’s cubbyhouse in this Banksia menziesii. There are no other known examples of this particular banksia between Kings Park and Bold Park. It is the Government’s priority to find out if there is a cubbyhouse in this area and what we will do about it. This is clearly one of the most important issues of this debate. The minister has already stated that the issues are underhand and completion will be forthcoming.

Sitting suspended from 6.00 to 7.00 pm

Mr HYDE: During the dinner break some other Labor members and I went out in search of this very important Banksia menziesii tree - the lone tree in the western suburbs containing a potential cubbyhouse used by the Young Liberals. We failed to find the tree, but you, Mr Acting Speaker (Mr Andrews), pointed out a Carnaby’s cockatoo on this important block of land. It is very rare, but it is on this site. Another of my colleagues on that search, the member for Albany, discovered a Gould’s goanna, and straightaway he said, “Look under there! That is a Varanus gouldii!” Another of my colleagues on that search, the member for Riverton, was a bit more adventurous. He went out on the left wing, and he said, “Hello! Under that eucalypt there is a collared sparrowhawk!” I was very impressed with my colleagues and their attachment to the flora and fauna. The coup de grĂ¢ce was when the member for Eyre, with his binoculars and, being a journalist like me, his old peaked cap to aid in vision at sunset, identified the white-cheeked honeyeater. I was impressed with the performance of my Labor colleagues on this environmental stretch of land.


Mr HYDE: [...]The member for Churchlands referred to the wonderful public meetings held in nearby Hackett Hall. I have spent many an evening on the stage at Hackett Hall in a variety of Thespian pursuits, as well as in the audience, and that area certainly has an odour issue. The minister alluded to her earlier days playing soccer. I can also inform the House that the member for Albany - that wonderful spotter of Varanus gouldii - trained on that same patch of turf, McGillivray Oval. We have established that he needed to take a big breath at a certain turn with a northerly wind, but we do not know whether taking that big breath then enhanced his lung capacity and enabled him to make the Olympic team, or whether it detracted him from winning two gold medals instead of almost one.

Mr McGowan: The problem was that he always stopped in the home straight to keep an eye out for birds!

Mr HYDE: That is a very good analogy.


MR EDWARDS (Greenough) [7.14 pm]: I hope the House will allow me a little levity. The member for Perth raised a few issues about Latin pronunciation. I commend him for that, and I hope he understands my Latin. I did not quite catch the name of -

Mr Hyde: Banksia menziesii.

Mr EDWARDS: Until the member for Perth brought it to my attention, I was not aware that there was such a plant. I respect his knowledge -

Mr Hyde: It is in the EPA report.

Mr EDWARDS: I understand that, and with levity I suggest that the member find a “hydeafloria”, which is slightly pink with red overtones. It is found in various parks of Perth. We would need a bird “hyde” to see a “hydeafloria”. That is my level of humour.

Subject: Underwood Avenue Bushland [Legislative Assembly - Motion]

Date: 27 March 2002

Hansard reference: pp. 9073 - 9075 [online (pdf): p. 9073 / 9074 / 9075]

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