Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Obviously leading to the straw poll that...

1087. Hon ROBIN CHAPPLE to the minister representing the Minister for the Environment:

I refer to the occurrence of stock from pastoral stations straying into nature reserves and national parks in Western Australia.


(3) What penalties exist for pastoralists who allow stock to enter a nature reserve?

Hon TOM STEPHENS replied:


(3) Under section 106(a) of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984, the penalty for depasturing cattle on Department of Conservation and Land Management land - including nature reserves - is $4 000 and imprisonment for six months.

Under regulation 15(b) of the Conservation and Land Management Regulations 2002, the penalty for allowing an animal to enter or remain on CALM land - including a nature reserve - is $500, or if dealt with by way of an infringement notice, a modified penalty of $50.

I do not know who would be fined for the herd of about 50 camels I saw in the middle of the Rudall River National Park over the weekend, but I suppose the authorities can work out to whom to send the bill.

Hon Peter Foss: They are probably yours.

Hon John Fischer: Are you claiming ownership.

Hon TOM STEPHENS: I am not.

Hon SIMON O’BRIEN: Are they all enrolled?

Hon Kim Chance: They are now!

Subject: Conservation Estate, Grazing Impacts [Legislative Council - Questions Without Notice]

Date: 13 August 2003

Hansard reference: pp. 9845b - 9845b [online (pdf)]

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