Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Definitely the right room for an argument

Mr R.F. JOHNSON: [...] It is a shame that the Government has not done more for tourism in Western Australia, particularly for those people who are suffering. I have just returned from the south west -

Ms A.J. MacTiernan: Minister for Tourism, what did the ratings ever do for us?

Mr R.F. JOHNSON: Is the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure suggesting that the Minister for Tourism is Monty Python?

Ms A.J. MacTiernan: I am not suggesting that the minister is.

Mr R.F. JOHNSON: I thought perhaps the minister was. It was rude of the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure to refer to her colleague like that.

The SPEAKER: Members, I do not wish to order a stoning!

Mr R.F. JOHNSON: Absolutely! Mr Speaker, will you please protect me from the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure?

Subject: Western Australian Tourism Commission Amendment Bill 2003 [Legislative Assembly - Second Reading]

Date: 18 June 2003

Hansard reference: pp. 8877c - 8884a [online (pdf)]

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