Would you like that straight up, or with tonic?
Mr C.J. Barnett: Where is the Speaker?
Mr R.F. JOHNSON: I am sure the Acting Speaker has the same serious concerns as I do about the damage that cannabis does to children. I know that the member for Joondalup, the Acting Speaker, has children, and in the not-too-distant future he will probably have grandchildren.
The ACTING SPEAKER (Mr A.P. O’Gorman): I hope not.
Mr R.F. JOHNSON: Of course you will, Mr Acting Speaker. The not-too-distant future could be five or 10 years; that is not a long time. This is the problem and this is why we on this side of the House do not agree with the suspension of standing orders just so the Leader of the House can guillotine this Bill and go home. I wonder whether the Leader of the House has instructions from the Premier to guillotine this Bill because he does not want to be up all night. He had a lovely kip last night with teddy, and he does not want to be in the Chamber tonight; he wants to be home with teddy again.
The ACTING SPEAKER: Member for Hillarys!
Mr R.F. JOHNSON: That is what I reckon. I am giving the reason that I am opposed to the suspension of standing orders. That is my view. We have had a slight glimpse of the Premier. It looked like the Premier. I think it was the Premier.
Mr P.G. Pendal: We are very worried about teddy. Who is teddy?
Mr R.F. JOHNSON: I want to know what teddy’s name is. I think the Premier is one of those people who would have a teddy. I wonder whether this debate will also be gagged. The Leader of the House is a compulsive gagger, because he has gagged debate all night long. So far he has gagged every clause apart from one. We did not take long to deal with that clause and we dealt with it quite legitimately. We felt that that clause should be passed fairly quickly and we scrutinised it very carefully.
Mr P.G. Pendal: He should have been given a GIN.
Mr R.F. JOHNSON: What is that?
Mr P.G. Pendal: A gaggers infringement notice.
Subject: Cannabis Control Bill 2003 [Legislative Assembly - Consideration in Detail]
Date: 16 April 2003
Hansard reference: pp. 6848b-6932a [online (pdf)]
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