Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The yeast of their worries?

HON PAUL LLEWELLYN (South West) [3.50 pm]: [...] Even in this wealthy economy we have a very small amount of capital to invest in infrastructure and we end up with the Vegemite plan; that is, to invest thinly across all sectors. Every now and then there is a patch of thick Vegemite and it does not taste very nice. That is the model we are using - the Vegemite model of regional planning and asset investment.

Hon Murray Criddle interjected.

Hon PAUL LLEWELLYN: I like Vegemite. In fact, I have Vegemite and jam but I do not want to go into that because I know we have a very short -

Several members interjected.

Hon PAUL LLEWELLYN: Vegemite and marmalade is the best thing. Sick, sick, sick! Time is short and I would like to put forward an amendment to the motion that synthesises the intention of both government and opposition to move forward. I will do that in a minute. Of course, I would have liked 45 minutes to expand -

Hon Robyn McSweeney: No!

Subject: Infrastructure and Development in Rural and Regional Western Australia [Legislative Council - Motion]

Date: 30 August 2006

Hansard reference: pp. 5389c - 5406a [online (pdf)]

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