Thursday, January 04, 2007

Mind and owned business

Mr N.R. MARLBOROUGH: [...] I have a great deal of sympathy for people who run small businesses. I am aware that if a person is running a small business, much of what he does relies on his ability to run that business. He cannot always replace his skills as an owner with somebody who is hired or employed. In a one or two-person business it simply cannot be done. If a person had a small business, he would make sure that -

Ms S.E. Walker: Have you ever had a small business?

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, member for Nedlands!

Mr N.R. MARLBOROUGH: If a person ever had a business, he would never, under any circumstances, employ the member for Nedlands. The last time I saw cow pats stacked as high as the member for Nedlands was in a cow paddock in India. It was a long time ago.

Ms S.E. Walker: How do you run your small business?

Mr N.R. MARLBOROUGH: Like the member runs her small mind.

Ms S.E. Walker: I have a good mind. None of your bulldust.

Mr R.F. Johnson: She has your mark.

Mr N.R. MARLBOROUGH: Mate, she is a legend in her own brain cell; that is her problem.

Ms S.E. Walker interjected.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, member for Nedlands!

Subject: Retail Shops and Fair Trading Legislation Amendment Bill 2003 [Legislative Assembly - Consideration in Detail]

Date: 27 November 2003

Hansard reference: pp. 13830b - 13839a [online (pdf)]

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