Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cereal offenders

Mr B.K. MASTERS: [...] Half-yearly reports are sometimes difficult to understand by people who do not have expertise in accounting matters. Again, unless opposition members like me are on the mailing list of entities such as LandCorp and Western Power, they do not get annual reports sent to them automatically; they must visit a web site or make a phone call to have reports delivered to them.

Ms A.J. MacTiernan: You are supposed to do some work in opposition.

Mr B.K. MASTERS: I appreciate that.

Ms A.J. MacTiernan: You are not spoon-fed like you were in government.

Mr B.K. MASTERS: It is a different type of spoon-feeding; it is a different type of work in government.

Mr P.D. Omodei: You are on Farex and we are on Weetbix!

Mr B.K. MASTERS: I would never accuse the minister of ever being spoon-fed.

Ms A.J. MacTiernan: I tell you what, mate, I do a lot more work than you guys did when you were in office.

Mr P.D. Omodei: I think you are actually on All-Bran.

Ms A.J. MacTiernan: I don’t need that when you are in the House!

Mr B.K. MASTERS: If I had heard the comment, I would probably say it was very droll, but I missed it.

Subject: Western Australian Land Authority Amendment Bill 2003 [Legislative Assembly - Second Reading]

Date: 17 June 2003

Hansard reference: pp. 8823b - 8828a [online (pdf)]

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