Monday, January 08, 2007


Mr M.J. COWPER: [...] I feel sorry for the people at the Fines Enforcement Registry. They must have an absolute sea of paperwork or a fantastic computer system. We have already heard from the member for Roe about how there are glitches and gremlins in the system. A classic example is sitting opposite - I had almost forgotten about the member for Ballajura!

Mr J.B. D’Orazio: You have a short memory!

Mr M.J. COWPER: I am a forgiving person!

Mr R.F. Johnson: I can’t believe he’s supporting this legislation!

Mr J.B. D’Orazio: Wait till I finish!

Subject: Fines Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 [Legislative Assembly - Second Reading]

Date: 28 November 2006

Hansard reference: pp. 8857c - 8875a [online (pdf)]

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