Q and not A
289. Hon NORMAN MOORE to the minister representing the Minister for the Environment:
Obviously, this is question time and not answer time.
Hon Ljiljanna Ravlich: That is why it is called question time; otherwise it would be answer time.
Hon NORMAN MOORE: I know. I would like to give notice that at the next sitting of the house we will change it to question and answer time.
Hon Kim Chance: No, I blush when I get a bad answer, and I didn’t do so then.
Hon NORMAN MOORE: The Leader of the House is blushing now, and I can understand why. I know how he feels, because I used to have a minister who did the same thing to me.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Order, members! Let us move on.
Subject: Conservation Commission, Aboriginal Heritage [Legislative Council - Questions Without Notice]
Date: 19 May 2005
Hansard reference: pp. 1956b - 1956b [online (pdf)]
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