Thursday, January 25, 2007

The other Potter

Hon BARBARA SCOTT: [...] I could not help but reflect when Hon Chrissy Sharp spoke this morning and said that marijuana is not harmful and should be more available. We should reflect more on the Flopsy Bunnies of Beatrix Potter. Members opposite should reconsider that story. They recommend drinking chamomile tea for stress.

Hon Christine Sharp: Lettuces.

Hon BARBARA SCOTT: The lettuces are soporific; they make people sleep. Take notice of Beatrix Potter and the Flopsy Bunnies; they provide good advice. It is much better than promoting cannabis and marijuana.

Subject: Cannabis Control Bill 2003 [Legislative Council - Second Reading]

Date: 14 August 2003

Hansard reference: pp. 9930b - 9946a [online (pdf)]

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