Sunday, January 14, 2007

Gets in your eyes

Ms S.E. Walker: Have you ever been a smoker?

Mr J.A. McGINTY: In my youth.

Ms S.E. Walker: You look as though you have been.

Mr J.A. McGINTY: I will not lead with my chin and ask how the member for Nedlands can tell that. We are targeting all these things. I was delighted when, a month ago -

Mr R.F. Johnson: I reckon you smoked when you were pictured doing that.

Mr J.A. McGinty: Luckily I cannot see the picture the member for Hillarys is holding up.

Mr R.F. Johnson: Two of your colleagues are with you. You look like a real free-swinging hippy.

Mr J.A. McGINTY: Did the member for Hillarys ever have hair below his ears?

Mr R.F. Johnson: No; never. I was a good boy. The chap in the picture with the megaphone looking like Osama bin Laden in the other photograph is your good friend the Treasurer. You will recognise the one in the middle probably.

Ms S.E. Walker: Did he say between or below?

Mr J.A. McGINTY: Hopefully, below.

Subject: Smoking in Cars - Education Campaign [Legislative Assembly - Motion]

Date: 28 June 2006

Hansard reference: pp. 4468b - 4486a [online (pdf)]

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