Working on the sequel
Mr N.R. MARLBOROUGH: [...] The parliamentary secretary may not be aware - I was not aware of this matter until it was raised with me - of the problems many our wethers and steers experience with their pizzle. Thankfully, I have not caught it! I have not been out in the paddock long enough. However, I understand it is a major problem. Pizzle rot is occurring everywhere. It is increasing rapidly and causing all sorts of problems for farmers. Is the parliamentary secretary aware of the incidence of pizzle rot in wethers and steers? Is the restricted access to the steroid testosterone impacting on producers?
Mr A.D. McRAE: I might have to defer that question!
The CHAIRMAN: The last parliamentary secretary had to phone a friend; perhaps the parliamentary secretary would like 50-50!
Mr A.D. McRAE: I polished up on my knowledge of carnal bunt and bovine spongiform encephalopathy, but I did not deal with pizzle rot! I might ask some scientists to give us that information by way of supplementary information, because at the moment we are struggling to understand the extent of the problem.
Subject: Division 11: Agriculture, $148 576 000 - [Legislative Assembly - Estimates Committee]
Date: 9 June 2005
Hansard reference: pp. 374b - 387a [online (pdf)]